Monster Hunter Frontier Craft Wiki

A Tigrex standing at the peak of a snowy mountain.

Tigrex is a hostile Flying Wyvern that spawns mainly in cold biomes, although it is also found in subtropical areas. It is extremely aggressive, and uses no elements, relying on its sheer power to fight enemies.


Tigrex is a quadrupedal wyvern with powerful limbs, a large head with horn-like ears, and massive jaws. It is yellow in color, with some blue stripes.


Claw Swipe: Tigrex will raise its left arm and attempt to swipe at a player, possibly knocking him/her back. (Currently not in-game)

Bite: Tigrex will rear up and snap at a player.

Tail Whip: Tigrex will slightly curve its tail and then spin around and hit any nearby players, possibly knocking them back.

Charge: Tigrex will quickly rush at a player.

Roar: Tigrex will rear up and emit an ear-splitting roar, immobilizing any nearby players and possibly knocking them back if they are standing 5 blocks within its range.

Leap Back: Tigrex will slightly crouch and then jump a few blocks back. (Currently not in-game)

Leap Forward: Tigrex will leap a few blocks forward.

Block Throw: Tigrex will stand up for a while, go back on all fours, and scrape its right arm against the ground, launching 3 blocks at a player.

Advanced Tail Whip: Tigrex will spin in a 720-degree circle in an attempt to hit any nearby players, possibly knocking them back. (Currently not in-game)


  • Tigrex has a sophisticated dying animation (also currently not ingame).